That's right. Your eyes are not fooling you. We pulled the goalie. Eric sneezed and I got pregnant. I'm a baby-making machine. Here we go again...for the last time, I should say. I've always wanted three kids...and now, come April 1, 2011, my wish will come true [insert anxiety here.] In honor of this massive change to our lives staring at us from 9 months away, I've decided to start a blog. Really, it was just time. Here you'll be able to follow the tales of the Beach family through the eyes of moi. I must warn you though: Being as how I have a 4 yr old and 2.5 yr old and have been told I can no longer swear because my kids have started dropping f-bombs on the playground, there will be no filter on my blog. Here I can (and will) be able to drop in a good ole fashion curse word wherever I deem it's applicable. Thank goodness for me, my kids can't read. If at some point, you find yourself offended, you are more than welcome to drop me from your reading list. Anywhoo, here's to a happy and healthy 9 (it's actually really 10- pisses me off) months. Cheers [clink]. That was me toasting my non-alcoholic beverage (cue tears.) xo, L
She's Fired!
12 years ago